Monday, April 4, 2022

Ferens Art Gallery Open Exhibition 2022

 Ferens Art Gallery, Hull, Open Exhibition 2022

At the Opening of the Exhibition

I am pleased to say that three of my paintings have been chosen this year for the Ferens Art Gallery Open Exhibition. 

Lifebuoy, oil on canvas, 30in x 40 in (76cm x 102cm)

Lifebuoy is a scene along the Humber Estuary near to Weighton Lock. The bright light reflects on the water and causes the fence to create dark shadows in the grass. The lifebuoy is a reminder of the hazards of deep and fast moving tides.

The Boatyard, oil on canvas, 30in x 40 in (76cm x 102cm)

The Boatyard depicts the Marina at South Ferriby, North East Lincolnshire. A solitary boat is tied up on the banks of the River Ancholme. An overhead chute carries chalk from a nearby quarry to the cement works at the far side of the river. 

The Gate, oil on canvas, 22in x 18in (61cm x 45cm)

I saw the silhouettes and shadows of the gate and tree on a walk around the ponds at Newport, East Yorkshire during lockdown. I wanted to capture the moment and the water sparkling in the sun. All the paintings reflect my interest in the way human activity exists harmoniously alongside nature.

The Exhibition is open until 2nd May, 2022