Sunday, October 21, 2018

Research Topic and Work Plan

Research Topic and Work Plan


Over the previous three weeks I have been giving thought to my proposed Research Topic, my aims and objectives, and how I will approach the work which will need to be done to achieve my goals.

My overall aim is that at the end of the next two years I will be a confident freelance visual artist, with a growing reputation as an acknowledged expert in my field of practice.

I will achieve this by identifying an area of my work which I will take forward through detailed research and practical explorations. The outcome will be a body of work based on the research topic which will be of interest to and bring value and insight  to those working in the same or similar field.

A key part of successfully achieving my goals will be to analyse my current skills set. Through this process I will identify those things which I will need to work on to stretch my skills and enable me to really excel at what I do.

Research Topic

As set out in my previous posts, I have reviewed my current and recent works to identify elements which are key to my practice, and ideas which I may wish to take forward. I have also discussed this issue with my supervisor, identified some initial ideas and discussed these with my peer group and tutor to get critical feedback.

My work involving a sense of place is important to me, as I have said in my current practice statement. As a visual artist I like to explore ideas and themes in a thought provoking way. It seems to me that the existence of industry within the natural landscape stands out as a great avenue for me to explore further. The topic would cover how industry is physically portrayed within a natural setting, how it co-exists with nature, what changes evolve and what is left behind. My research would be restricted to the Western tradition of art (basically Europe and the USA) and concentrate on the Humber Region for my practical work.  I would use case studies for exploration, and a variety of working methods and techniques, responding to the subject matter as I go along and see what develops.

Initial Proposed Research Area:

An exploration of the visual arts (2D) into the portrayal of industry and landscape, focussing on the Humber Region.

My written research would include the following critical framework:
- a brief history of landscape in the western world (up to and including Modernism)
- the classical tradition/romanticism
- industrial/maritime/environmental landscape
- artists and works associated with the above
- critical analysis (books, articles, reviews, videos, interviews, exhibitions etc,)
- recent movements and artists currently working in the field (Postmodernism, 1940s onwards)
- critical analysis of the above (books, articles, reviews, videos, interviews, exhibitions etc.)
- analysis of key images with objective criteria (guide questions)
- relationship to industry and landscape in the Humber Region
- compare/contrast approaches
- my own perspective
- identification of where my work sits and what I can bring to the table

Practical Work:
- Case studies within the Humber Region which include industry and landscape
- A variety of working methods and techniques which respond to the specific subject matter.
- A final body of artwork developed as a result of my exploration into the research topic.

Work Plan October 2018-December 2018

- identify possible research areas and discuss/analyse (done)
- identify proposed research area and hone in (see above)
- undertake skills audit
- address skills needs and personal development
- decide initial case study (see below)
- explore site, photograph from multiple angles, sketches, studies
- desk top exercise into the site - location, geography, history
- commence critical research (as above)
- prepare Powerpoint Presentation on my initial proposed research area
- make Presentation and get feedback
- prepare and submit Written proposal (3,000 words)

Case Study

Following my recent interest in the Cement Works at South Ferriby, and further discussion with my supervisor, I have decided to start my practical work with a Case Study on the Cement Works at South Ferriby and surrounding area. The site has a number of features which will work well as a case study, including:
- a large, imposing structure, and a landmark visible from both banks of the Humber
- an industry specific to the geography of the site
- an historical and cultural history
- interesting visual features including large factory/plant, river, lock, sluice gates, marina, river banks, mudflats, estuary, shipping, wildlife
- interaction with the natural landscape, such as quarrying and the factory processes, effect on the surrounding countryside, river, banks and estuary.

Cement Works, South Ferriby, seen from the west

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