Sunday, January 31, 2021

Printmaking: "Pochoir" Technique

 Printmaking: "Pochoir" Technique

Hoopoe Fantasy, screen print with pochoir technique

I had watched a demonstration on Zoom of the "pochoir" technique by Tim Needham, tutor at the Ropewalk Printmakers. The technique involves using stencils, through which one can add colour and shapes using acrylic paint. Tim made a very good image of a pigeon.

I was inspired to think what I could do, and I looked through some of my old prints. A while ago, I went to a workshop on screen printing, using stencils, and had produced a number of images based on the hoopoe bird, which has a very distinctive silhouette with colourful feathers.

Original Screen print

I thought that to add colour using the pochoir method would add life to the image. I chose certain areas of the bird to add shape and colour to emphasise its attributes, but really it was a fantasy bird.


I think that the pochoir method gives a very bold outline, which is excellent for certain subjects, such as the strong shape of the bird. Bright patches of colour add to the image. I would certainly consider using this method again where I want to emphasise shape and colour.

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