Thursday, February 4, 2021

Painting: "Canal"

 Painting: "Canal"

Canal, oil on canvas, 61cm x 45cm


Continuing my exploration of colour, I decided to follow on from "The Gate" with a painting where I could explore lush greens in a waterside setting during early summer.

On the same walk as before, I continued until I reached the canal. I am fascinated by the stark "Brutalist" architecture of the typical bridges we see every day crossing canals across the country, and how they blend in with the natural surrounding landscape. They form a fascinating feature which adds structure to a landscape painting. Interesting shapes and shadows are formed and reflections in the water beneath. In this image, the sloping concrete sides of the canal bridge and the two fences which run alongside not only create a focal point, but their reflections in the water below are memorising. The light struck the fencing in the right hand corner, making it shine brightly in the water beneath, whilst the fence in the shade shows up dark against the slowly moving pool of canal water. The early summer bright greens were also caught by the sun's rays and I contrasted this effect with the darker tones of the greens in the shade.

I used the same palette as for "The Gate", and a similar process. I started out by blocking in the dark colours, blocked in the lighter ones and then went back over the whole painting gradually adding detail. Drips and blank parts of the canvas were included as before to help attain a watery effect and to help let the eye rest and wander.

Dark tones added

Light tones added


This colour study really made me think about the different types of greens in early summer and how the seasons affect colour. I wanted to convey the feeling of how spring passes into summer. It may be that I have over-emphasised the brightness of the greens, but that is how I remember the day. There was a strange stillness around at the time, which I think was an indication of the first lockdown. I hope that I have managed to convey some of that eerie atmosphere and the idea of timelessness while the world stood still. Memory played a big part in the development of this painting, as I have been on this walk many times over the years.

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