Saturday, October 30, 2021

Exhibition at Caistor Arts and Heritage Centre


Gear and Tackle and Trim, etching with chine colle

Finches’ Wings, monoprint with etching

My two  prints are currently on display at the Exhibition, “Pied Beauty”, by the Ropewalk Printmakers at Caistor Arts and Heritage Centre.
I made the prints in response to the poem, “Pied Beaty” by Gerard Manley Hopkins. 
All the printmakers responded to the wording in their own individual way. In the first print I wanted to capture the way humans interact with natural elements such as ships and the sea. The second print reflects my interest in natural and wild things in the landscape along the Humber. I used two separate techniques. The chine colle was gold tissue paper over printing paper which the image was then printed onto.I painted the Finches’ Wings scene onto a piece of clear Perspex with water colour and made a monoprint. I then inked up my etched printing plate and overprinted the monoprint with the detail.

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