Sunday, February 26, 2023

Last Rays and Haystacks

 Last Rays and Hay Stacks

Last Rays, oil on canvas board 30cm x 40cm

Continuing my thoughts about the line,

"Of skies and scarecrows, haystacks, hares and pheasants,"

Philip Larkin, Here, 1961,

I made a series of sketches of haystacks, and a study in oils.

Oil Study

Haystack, oil study

Watercolour sketches

Working Methods

I find it important to make an underpainting first to define my tonal areas before starting on a new oil painting.

Tonal Underpaintings:

I find that this process helps the finished result, particularly in areas of deep shadows,

see details of "The Hay Barn" and "Last Rays" below:

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