Friday, November 2, 2018

October 2018

Introduction, October, 2018


Over the previous few weeks I have been gathering my thoughts together about my artistic practice.

I have completed a number of courses with Hull College and the Open College of the Arts in drawing, painting, printmaking. and the history of art. I feel that I now need to review and consolidate my work and define where it sits in a wider context.

I am a member of the Ropewalk, Barton, a centre for the arts sponsored by the Arts Council and also a member of the Hull Print Collective, a group of local printmakers who hold regular exhibitions. I have also exhibited in my own right and my works have been successful in being chosen both for national and regional exhibitions.

I am currently undertaking a course at Hull School of Art and Design which requires me to develop a topic to research about issues my practice explores and how it sits within the current field.

This blog is a working document where I will post my current thoughts and development. It is not designed to showcase finished work, but ideas, reflections and work in progress.

Above: The Magic Tree, Hard Ground Etching with Aquatint, selected for the Exhibition, "From the Humber to the Wash", the Ropewalk, June, 2018

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