Friday, November 2, 2018

Development Plan, Progress and Research Methodology

Development Plan

Following on from a review of where my skills lie at the moment, I have made a plan for self-development based on my strengths and areas for improvement, which I summarise below.

Strengths (Summary)

- Competent at drawing, painting and a number of areas of printmaking (including dry point, etching, aquatint, collagraph).
-  Sound study and research skills (Hull College Access Course and five years with the Open College of the Arts/University for the Creative Arts - drawing, painting and History of Art).
- My work makes connections/synthesises with academic research, visits to galleries etc.
- Imagination and strong vision of what I want to achieve.
- Not afraid to experiment.
- Good sense of the role of the viewer.

Areas for Growth and Development Plan (Summary)

- Experiment further with all print making techniques, combinations and mixed media.
- Learn "Photoshop" to enhance my practice and the source material for screen prints.
- Experiment further with colour and coloured prints using different methods.
- Continue to play with light/tone/texture and alternative materials in my paintings.
- Widen my expertise in abstraction, and relate to both organic and man-made forms.
- Tackle big themes such as memory and time relating to my research area.
- Improve IT and Social media Skills.


- Research painters and printmakers who use innovative methods and approaches - and experiment
- Explore different painting/mixed media approaches which synthesise with my research area and adapt from other practitioners in the field - including use of abstraction and colour
- Research artists with a strong sense of place, landscape artists, industrial landscapes, and seascapes, putting works into context and apply concepts and methods
- Research light, tone, and form in relation to my research area - use to create mood/atmosphere
- Learn and practice "Photoshop" (Hull College/internet/and other research/assistance/self-help)
- Upskill on IT and Social Media (Hull College/internet and other research/assistance/self-help)

Illustration of use of different media within a painting:

Anselm Kiefer, Margarethe, 1981, oil, straw, emulsion and gelatin, silver print on linen
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

Progress - IT etc.


I made big headway this week when I had a three hour training session with Dave Eccles (Hull College) on "Illustrator" and "Photoshop." We went through the basics and this has given me the foundation to move forward. Simultaneously, my home computer broke down and cannot be repaired. So this is a good opportunity to buy a new one and get Illustrator and Photoshop installed. This will enable me to learn as I go along and practice at home at my own pace.


I have not held a blog before, so this is a new step. I looked at most of the other options available. Blogger seemed to me to be the simplest, so I  went through the process online to set it up. So far so good! I am enjoying making my entries and keeping the blog helps me focus.

Power Point

I have given Power Point Presentations previously, but not for some time. I have ploughed straight in and am currently working on my Presentation on my Research Topic. I am hoping to include a small video clip which I have not done before, so I hope that it goes well.

Research Methodology - Overview

- Primary Research: exhibitions and galleries, records of interviews with and videos of artists, site visits, photography, on-site sketches
- Secondary Research: books, journals, articles, television programmes, internet, videos
- Objective analysis: standard questions about key artistic elements including, content, form, colour, materials, viewpoint, composition, process, energy, context, culture
- Harvard Referencing throughout: citation, bibliography, consistency

Illustration of use of different methods of print making and of incorporating colour

Howard Hodgkin, Autumn, 2014, Carborundum relief from three plates printed sequentially

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