Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Creating my own Exhibition (2): Early Ideas and Visits

Creating my own Exhibition (2): Early Ideas and Visit to The Deep

Possible Venue: The Observatory, the Deep, Hull


In January, following the  review set out in my previous blog entry, I started to consider the criteria for a successful show and how to realise my ambitions.

This was a two-stage process involving decisions about what I was wanting to achieve and then finding a location which could deliver on those goals.

Key Aims of my Exhibition

I had identified key aspects during my show held in May, 2019. I therefore built on those foundations and decided that I would now concentrate on the following main elements:

- A themed approach to the exhibition consistent with my Practice Statement
- The involvement of the viewer and consideration of their role
- The telling of my story, and how I have developed my practice
- My research into artists/movements and how these have inspired me and impacted on my practice
- Ways to make the exhibition interesting
- The use of objective criteria to select my best work e.g. quality of line, tone, colour, mood etc.
- Professional hanging of exhibits and labelling

Other considerations included the quality of possible venues as regards space, light and hanging facilities. Cost was also a consideration and I considered sponsorship and holding a joint exhibition with another artist.

Progressing my aims and site visits

At an early stage I had a discussion with a fellow artist about the possibility of a joint exhibition. She was not keen to do this as she did not think that our work had much in common. This is true, but I do think that similarity is not necessarily a valid criteria. If people are interested in art they are usually open to different experiences and appreciative of what the artist is trying to achieve. Joint exhibitions can also draw in larger number of visitors. Anyway, I then started to make my own enquiries. I was hopeful that I could get some sponsorship from local businesses for the costs involved.

I considered possible venues for the exhibition and rang round a variety of locations. Some were more helpful than others and I made a short list:

- The Deep, Hull
- The Ropewalk, Barton
- The History Centre, Hull
- The Central Library, Hull
- The Broderick Gallery, Hull College

The Observatory, The Deep, Hull

The Observatory at The Deep came at the top of the list, due to the space available, the view, and the relevance to the theme of my exhibition.

The Admin and Event Coordinator was very helpful on the phone and I arranged to meet him, with the Head of Business and Corporate Flexible Space, at the beginning of February. We had a brief discussion about my requirements and they looked at my work. They said that they could offer me the Observatory, which is a fantastic space over-looking the point where the River Hull meets the Humber Estuary. That would be for an evening event, and then the exhibition could move into Sealab 3, adjacent to the Reception area for general viewing. They offered to advertise the event in the Deep's publicity material.

We then discussed dates and I found that Thursday, 3 September, 2020 was available. This date was at the beginning of Hull's Freedom Festival and at a time when many people would be wandering around in the vicinity. They went off to work out the costs and would then come back to me.

I received the quotation towards the middle of March. However, by this time the Corona Virus Pandemic was starting to take hold. It became increasingly obvious that these plans would not come to fruition.


My efforts to organise the exhibition was not wasted time. I have made contacts at the Deep and can revisit this as an option for a future year.

The Ropewalk, Barton is still very much a possibility for a future exhibition and has excellent facilities. There is a two year waiting list, but I am thinking of putting an application in. The location also works well, being next to the Humber.

The other venues would also be good, but the locations are not specifically relevant to my theme. 

When "lockdown" was introduced I gradually realised that I would have to change my plans. 

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