Saturday, March 18, 2023

Lock Gates: Water Surge

 Lock Gates: Water Surge

Lock Gates: Water Surge, oil on canvas, 28 in x 36in (71cm x 91cm)

I often go walking on the banks of the Humber in North East Lincolnshire. At South Ferriby, there is the Ancholme River which for many years acted as a  route for the transportation of goods down from Brigg and across the Humber to Hull. Items transported would include the agricultural produce from the large Lincolnshire farms. The river has been widened at various points during its history and diverted to make the passage easier. Where the river meets the Humber there is a sluice and a set of large lock gates. On one of my visits the locks were in use. I managed to make a video of the water surging through which was very powerful and loud. I made a painting of the what I saw (see above). I aimed to capture the force of the water compared with the tranquillity of the still water above. I stayed until the gates were opened and the water flowed away (see image below).

Lock Gates: Open, oil on canvas, 28 in x 36in (71cm x 91cm)

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