Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Gate

 The Gate

The Gate, oil on canvas, 22 in x 18 in (61cm x 45 cm)

The Market Weighton Canal was used in days gone by for the transportation of a variety of goods. In this area there are a number of old disused clay pits which now form a series of ponds, providing a haven for wildlife. Walking around the ponds at Newport on a sunny day during early summer, I peered through the trees. At the bottom of some steps on a small incline I could make out a gate, the entrance to a peaceful sanctuary. The trees to the side and the gate itself were silhouetted against a brilliant patch of water. Upon my return I painted "The Gate" where I aimed to capture that moment and the contrast between the bright summer sun and the deep shadows formed by the trees

Welton Top, sketch in inks

Later in the year and moving inland on the north bank of the Humber I walked along the top of the path which forms part of the Wolds Way at Welton. The path is lined with large trees and bounded by fields.  At this point through a gap in the trees I could see the estuary in the distance. It was late summer and the field glowed orange. I could see the tracks left behind by the farmer reaping his crop. Like "The Gate" I wanted to depict the deep shadows. so I made a tonal underpainting first to capture the mood and the tones.

Welton Top, oil study on board

Welton Top underpainting

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