Thursday, May 11, 2023

The Surprise of a Large Town

 The Surprise of a Large Town

The Surprise of a Large Town, oil on canvas, 76cm x 102 cm

Travelling down the Humber from St Andrew's Quay we pass the entrance to Hull Marina, formerly Railway Dock and Humber Dock, before sailing into the River Hull, the entrance now overlooked by the iconic and internationally renowned aquarium the Deep.

As we leave the vast estuary we pass along the River Hull corridor, lined with muddy tidal banks and wooden stages, navigating tides and overhead bridges and roads, going deep into the City. In the poem "Here" Larkin described this experience as "the surprise of a large town". Kingston upon Hull was in fact made a City by Queen Victoria, but many locals still refer to it as a "town".

In the painting above, I wanted to capture the image of "looking through" and "into" the route of the river and its fascinating infrastructure and natural environment. The day was sunny, causing lovely reflections on the water and bouncing off the architecture overhead.

Pencil Sketch of the View 

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