Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Meet the Artist: Afternoon Session 2 - Discussions (Videos)

 Meet the Artist: Afternoon Session 2 - Discussions  and Videos

Discussions took place throughout the afternoon between fellow artists. In the image above we see Sue Leeson (left), Director, Eastgate Studio and Gallery, talking with me and members of the Hull Print Collective.

A group of visitors were very interested in the painting "Lock Gates: Water Surge" and I chatted to them about how I had painted it, including that I had taken a video recording of the experience. They were very excited by what they thought was a lively depiction of water as it gushed through the locks.

I also discussed "Untalkative, Out of Reach" with them, about what had inspired the painting and its execution.  The viewers were then curious about the light and the time of day depicted in "Pastoral" and I answered their questions. The painting produced a lot of interest during the afternoon as  the iconic Lord Line building is situated on the main road into Hull. Many of the guests remembered the site when it was a thriving fish dock and one of them actually worked in the building.

Moving on to "A Harsh-Named Halt", this group were reminded of their walks in this area. Many guests were fascinated by this work. These railway halts are often of a similar design and the image took them back to earlier times when they travelled and walked on more remote roads and tracks.

My Blog proved to be of interest and many people stopped and looked through it and asked me questions which I was pleased to answer.

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